added visuals 27-1-2019
now the players gets a big message on screen that informs them what to do (before it was just the text message on top of the screen...
now the players gets a big message on screen that informs them what to do (before it was just the text message on top of the screen...
דברנו על דוח אלפה. ומה שנעשה בשבילו
added a linear quest flow to the game-play, the quest start automatically without needing the player to manually start them, and when...
i added the ability to use mouse to control the player, the player can now chose the direction where to shoot his weapon with the mouse
דברנו על ההתקדמות בפרויקט, ועל מה נעשה בשבועיים הבאים
this is the first generation of generating goals that the players can compete to achieve, also it has the added implementation of players...
this is an example of how to get information from the player, this will be use later to get the wanted level parameters from the player,...
כמו קודם דברנו על ההתקדמות בפרויקט עד עכשיו, ועל העבודה שנעשית בשבועיים האחרונים. אחרי זה דיברנו על העבודה שצריך לעשות בשבועיים הבאים
what is shown here is the players being unique (in color), and having a goal generated, this goal is of the collect type, player can...
added the map ability to be created according to specific rules, like a jump height, radius, and such... these rules will be generated...
היום דברנו על ההתקדמות בפרויקט עד עכשיו, ועל העבודה שנעשית בשבועיים האחרונים. אחרי זה דיברנו על העבודה שצריך לעשות בשבועיים הבאים(בעיקר...
these videos show a working prototype of the game, mainly with map creation
added a lot of things to the map,like collisions, transforming the map into a planet, created gravity that points towards center of the...
made an example map, it took a lot of work to get everything working mainly because there isn't a lot of documentation about the subject...
the picture shows an example of the mesh that was created with a parabolic function. it was a little difficult because it's my first time...
fixed few bugs regarding multiplayer, mainly fixed scale syncing between server and client(now spawned objects will have the correct scale).
דיברנו על דוח ההצעה,עשינו תיקונים, בירורים, והרבה לדברים בדוח. הסתכלנו על המצב הנוכחי של המשחק. קבענו את המטרות לשבועיים הבאים(חלק...
procedurally generate a map and synced across multiplayer client, added collisions.
multi-player with LAN and unity matchmaking support, with enemies and damage so player can kill enemies and gets re-spawned when killed.